Artist Marshall Astor has made a fully functional Rubik's Cube out of bronze.
What? No differentiated, colored sides? How do you play? Apparently there's reasoning behind it. Astor gets deep:
"In making a Rubik's Cube with undifferentiated sides, I was attempting to remove the concept of solving or of having a purpose or goal from the Cube. I wanted to create an object that better reflected my own feelings about the Rubik's Cube, and in a broader sense, about the fundamental nature of the Universe.
I view the Universe – or all observable phenomena – to be a purely subjective concept, best defined as the intersecting agreement between all potential subjectivities. The Cube functions as a receiving object, by denuding it of it's role as a puzzle, it becomes a more intellectually malleable object, and the physical action of operating the Cube has a more personal meaning."
Hmm. Well, it looks badass and Astor used his own urine to achieve that attractive patina.
Click through for more HowTo behind Astor's process.
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