News: The Barrel of a Gun Has Never Tasted So Sweet

The Barrel of a Gun Has Never Tasted So Sweet

In keeping with today's theme of dark and twisted sweets (edible blood slides), check out this German gun-sucking art project. For a piece entitled Freeze: Revisited, Florian Jenett and Valentin Beinroth made handgun replicas crafted from ice, in an array of flavors, including coke, black currant, licorice, and cherry.

The Barrel of a Gun Has Never Tasted So Sweet

The Barrel of a Gun Has Never Tasted So Sweet

The Barrel of a Gun Has Never Tasted So Sweet

The Barrel of a Gun Has Never Tasted So Sweet

The Barrel of a Gun Has Never Tasted So Sweet

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sucking the barrel of a gun, now for small children.

yeh wait till someone #$%@s up and starts sucking on a realand pulls the triger

hahaha i dig it.

Looking down the barrel of a gun
Looking down the barrel of a gun, Son of a gun son of a bitch
Getting paid getting rich.

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