When viewing Toronto based artist Evan Penny's work, Ron Mueck immediately comes to mind.
The clear similarities include a representation which is completely photo-realistic, a playfulness with scale, and the mutually shared background in Hollywood SFX.
However, what sets Penny apart from Mueck is his acid-trippy twist on the human figure. His figures are often warped in their dimensionality, lying almost completely flat against the wall or fully robust in the round.
The craftsmanship is truly remarkable. If you're feeling inspired, you can begin by schooling yourself in the craft of silicone mold making.
View Penny's work below, Mueck's here.
Excerpted from Art Forum:
"Facile spectacle. Hollywood special effects. Technique for the sake of technique. There's no denying that those all seem likely, credible reactions to the ultrarealistic silicone figures of Evan Penny. Works by Duane Hanson and Ron Mueck seem impressionistic by comparison.) Yet even an eye immune to spectacle and craft can find these works compelling. That could be because, for all the stunning three-dimensionality that seems so central to them, the real referent of this sculpture photography. It turns our culture's crucial pictorial experience into a material one..."
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